Archaeology 81

How the pyramids were built?

How the pyramids were built?

the Most famous of the Egyptian pyramids is the pyramid of Cheops the Egyptian pyramids are considered one of the most mysterious structures in the world. At the moment the scientific community is aware of 140 structures, most of ...


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When people began to use poison arrows for hunting?

When people began to use poison arrows for hunting?

Poisonous arrows used by African tribes still Thousands of years ago our ancestors was due to hunting animals. First, they had to attack the game from close range but about 48 thousand years ago, they invented archery. As a tip fo...


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Museum of antiquity: what can you find at the bottom of lake Titicaca?

Museum of antiquity: what can you find at the bottom of lake Titicaca?

Such items can be found at the bottom of lake Titicaca. But what is it? the entire history of mankind on our planet lived a lot of different civilizations. Representatives of each of them had his own vision of the origin of the Ea...


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A rare case: in Russia, found a complete skeleton of a mammoth

A rare case: in Russia, found a complete skeleton of a mammoth

the Mammoth reached a height of 5.5 meters, and their weight could be 15 tons. Sometimes it seems that the most interesting discoveries in the study of ancient animals occur everywhere, not only in Russia. However, in fact, far fr...


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10 most mysterious Museum exhibits in the world

10 most mysterious Museum exhibits in the world

still from the film "night at the Museum 2" Today everyone has the opportunity to look at historical objects — it is enough to go to the Museum, which is in almost every major city. It contains thousands of different exhibits, whi...


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In Kazakhstan found the remains of one of the first domestic cats

In Kazakhstan found the remains of one of the first domestic cats

Cats become loved by people thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago people were fed and cared for the animals only if they could have or they in some way helped them on the farm. Cows gave milk and meat, chickens were kept ...


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Under the waters of Australia found traces of ancient people

Under the waters of Australia found traces of ancient people

Thousands of years ago Australia was more Today, the area of Australia 7.6 thousand square kilometers, but many years ago this continent was much more. According to archaeologists, the first people on this piece of land came 65 00...


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The story of the escape of the largest Mayan cities of the past

The story of the escape of the largest Mayan cities of the past

the Mayans looked like this Guatemala is a country in Central America, which is famous for its abundance of volcanoes and tropical forests. Thousands of years ago on its territory were located the mysterious city of the Maya civil...


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Millions of years ago the ancestors of the crocodiles walked on two legs

Millions of years ago the ancestors of the crocodiles walked on two legs

it's hard To believe, but the ancestors of the crocodiles looked like this Today's crocodiles live in tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia and North and South America, but over 200 million years of existence on Earth they h...


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Maps of ancient cities can be even without conducting excavations

Maps of ancient cities can be even without conducting excavations

Learn about how looked ancient city, and no archaeological excavations Right now, under the place where you are, can lie ancient objects or even entire buildings. Every year archaeologists discover hundreds of places, which once u...


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In Egypt, found the mummy of a young man without a brain. How could this happen?

In Egypt, found the mummy of a young man without a brain. How could this happen?

Perhaps the child belonged to one of the rulers of Egypt Ancient Egypt is full of secrets, the disclosure of which scientists make a terrible discovery. In 2018, experts said the details of an unusual exhibit of the Museum of the ...


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What interesting things can be found in the vaults of museums?

What interesting things can be found in the vaults of museums?

a scene from the movie "night at the Museum: secret of the tomb" because of the pandemic coronavirus in 2020 stopped working not only to restaurants, hair salons and shopping malls. Its activities were forced to stop and a group o...


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Archaeologists have found the biggest and oldest structure of the Maya civilization

Archaeologists have found the biggest and oldest structure of the Maya civilization

a New discovery proves the presence of the Mayan civilization is an amazing knowledge and skills In North America is the country Mexico and the Tabasco. If you suddenly appeared on the territory of this state and decided to stroll...


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The Viking ship was buried under earth 1 000 years. Now it wants to get.

The Viking ship was buried under earth 1 000 years. Now it wants to get.

Not every day archaeologists cannot find something really worthwhile under the ground, but this time they are lucky and we are all standing on the threshold of a great historical discovery that will not only understand what happen...


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Paleontologists have discovered the worst place on Earth in its history

Paleontologists have discovered the worst place on Earth in its history

Today, the Sahara, the biggest desert on our planet, is not only endless sand dunes, and volcanoes, oases and high mountain ranges, pristine lake and rocky desert. But a hundred million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, the...


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The glaciers of Norway discovered things the Vikings of the ninth century

The glaciers of Norway discovered things the Vikings of the ninth century

What do you know about the Vikings? the Vikings is the sailors of the early middle Ages, who lived in the VIII—XI centuries. It was mainly the tribes living on the territory of modern Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Outside their nati...


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Inside the coffin with the mummy was found a painting of an ancient artist

Inside the coffin with the mummy was found a painting of an ancient artist

One of the most interesting places in Scotland is the Museum and Art Gallery Perth. Interesting this place is because visitors can marvel at the ancient paintings, sculptures and other works of art, as well as dinosaur skeletons a...


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What ate people 100 thousand years ago?

What ate people 100 thousand years ago?

About 100 thousand years ago in territory of modern Europe and Central Asia lived the Neanderthals. Some scientists consider them to be our distant (but not direct) ancestors and constantly trying to figure out how you did each da...


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Solve the mystery of the mystical

Solve the mystery of the mystical "tree of life" in the United States

In the XII century BC when the world was ruled by pharaohs and kings, in the American States of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and new Mexico lived members of the Indian Anasazi culture. They are known for having built a huge Pueblo Boni...


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In some countries, it is necessary to look for dinosaur bones and can make money on it?

In some countries, it is necessary to look for dinosaur bones and can make money on it?

Millions of years ago, in the time of dinosaurs, our planet looked completely different. The continents were located closer to each other, and then, over time, started to drift apart. However, their fossilized remains stored under...


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