Climate 83

Why 2020 could be the warmest year in the entire history of observations?

Why 2020 could be the warmest year in the entire history of observations?

Winter 2020 was the warmest in history of meteorological observations. 2020 promises to go down in history as the warmest year in the history of meteorological observations, and it now has some evidence. As the portal last month, ...


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Devised a method to grow any plants in cold conditions

Devised a method to grow any plants in cold conditions

In the future the corn can be grown even in cold conditions In 2019, British and Austrian scientists have found that a gradual temperature rise of our planet can significantly reduce yields of some crops. Menopausal changes are pa...


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The temperature of the oceans has reached record levels

The temperature of the oceans has reached record levels

the World ocean has warmed at an alarming rate Being a major part of the hydrosphere of the Earth, oceans occupy more than 70% of its entire surface, thus playing a huge role in shaping the climate on our planet. In connection wit...


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Evidence of extreme climate change were found on the ancient runes of the Vikings

Evidence of extreme climate change were found on the ancient runes of the Vikings

an Ancient rune stone can tell about climate changes in the distant past an Ancient rune stone can shed light on climate change that took place long before the climatic events of the XXI century. To this unexpected conclusion came...


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The scientists were right. In 2019, the world finally acknowledged the problem of climate change

The scientists were right. In 2019, the world finally acknowledged the problem of climate change

Fires in 2019 become one of the most severe in recent decades. Nothing lasts forever. Less than ten thousand years ago the Sahara was lush and tropical terrain, with forests, grouped around the largest freshwater lake on the plane...


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Drones can help humanity in the fight against global warming

Drones can help humanity in the fight against global warming

using unmanned aircraft and special seeds to 2028 can be planted about a billion new trees. because of long term warming of the climate system of our planet, scientists have long been developing various methods to prevent catastro...


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From-for what hundreds of years ago in Europe there was a mass starvation of people?

From-for what hundreds of years ago in Europe there was a mass starvation of people?

Picture of the Great famine in the years 1315-1317 In the history of mankind there are many difficult for people of times and one of them is the so-called period of the Great famine. From 1315 to 1317 years in Northern Europe due ...


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#video | How common were fires in 2019?

#video | How common were fires in 2019?

Expiring 2019 turned out to be one of the hottest in history In the past 2019, we published a lot of news about fires burning on our planet. They really had a lot, because in addition to our Siberian forests in the world burned ma...


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The rise in sea level — a signal that climate change is not stopped. Is it true?

The rise in sea level — a signal that climate change is not stopped. Is it true?

sea level rise may deprive house millions of people. As reported this week , 25 thousand people from 200 countries gathered in Madrid to find a solution to the problems associated with . According to the UN Secretary-General, antó...


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As climate changes affect the productivity of rice, wheat and corn?

As climate changes affect the productivity of rice, wheat and corn?

In the future, mankind may be left without rice In 2018 the pages of the scientific journal Nature Plants Monday published the results of a study with a disappointing forecast. By examining the impact of a gradual increase in temp...


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As mankind once he averted climate catastrophe?

As mankind once he averted climate catastrophe?

Montreal Protocol mitigated the effects of global warming In the second half of the XX century the mankind began to throw away into the air of the so-called chlorofluorocarbons. These substances were used in old refrigerators and ...


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The increase in temperature of the Earth reduces the duration of pregnancy

The increase in temperature of the Earth reduces the duration of pregnancy

Extreme heat can induce premature labour for up to two weeks. Everyone knows that the normal duration of pregnancy in women is 40 weeks or 9 months. Despite the fact that the birth of a child is not always in the expected day of, ...


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Climate change causes birds to evolve

Climate change causes birds to evolve

Increase in global temperature leads to evolution of birds the Increase in average summer temperatures could affect the appearance of most birds on the planet. For such controversial conclusion came specialists of Chicago, who for...


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We live in the hottest decade in history

We live in the hottest decade in history

Researchers doubt that humanity will be able to adapt to climate change on the eve of the new year, many remember the outgoing year. And 2019 is definitely worth our attention. Thus, the seventh month of this year broke a temperat...


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Why the snowy mountains of New Zealand are painted red?

Why the snowy mountains of New Zealand are painted red?

the Mountains of New Zealand acquired a reddish tone. Expiring in 2019 , which this past summer in our Siberia and American California was raging terrible fires. The fire in these regions left behind miles of scorched earth, now a...


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The oil companies knew about the risk of global warming much earlier than us

The oil companies knew about the risk of global warming much earlier than us

People are worried about global warming much earlier than previously thought recently you might have noticed that without scientists ' warnings about the inevitability of global warming, not a day goes by. The temperature on our p...


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How much energy do people need to beat poverty and climate change?

How much energy do people need to beat poverty and climate change?

World energy is one of the main causes of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere of the planet As you know, mankind has 2 major and interdependent problems — poverty and rapid climate change. In order to eliminate, hum...


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Climate change affects every child on the planet

Climate change affects every child on the planet

the older generation should think about the children, say scientists According to the European sociological poll, Russians more than other Europeans do not believe in climate. Note that the survey was conducted from 2016 to 2017, ...


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Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

According to science, our planet, there are about 60,000 species of trees. According to the Australian analytical center Breakthrough, global warming may destroy humanity . Some conservationists firmly believe that slow the rate o...


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What climate can have a planet with three suns?

What climate can have a planet with three suns?

planet LTT1445Ab in the representation of the artist milky Way — a pretty average size galaxy, which, however, was able to shelter about 100 billion planets. Each of these worlds has its own unique features and characteristi...


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