Enceladus 8

The abundance of gases on Enceladus —

The abundance of gases on Enceladus — "free food" for life. But is there life there?

According to new research by scientists at the University of Washington, in an underground ocean Saturn's moon Enceladus contains a very high concentration of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, as well as close to the earth's pH level t...


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Can we send something like a Cassini to Uranus or Neptune?

Can we send something like a Cassini to Uranus or Neptune?

  In the place of the Solar system where we study the distant Universe using powerful ground and space observatories have provided us with data and knowledge that we never dreamed of. But we still have no opportunity to go s...


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On Enceladus found necessary for life ingredients

On Enceladus found necessary for life ingredients

for the First time in history, in the depths of Saturn's moon Enceladus found complex organic molecules, according to a new study published June 27 in the journal Nature. Very soon a satellite will travel a spacecraft that will be...


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How much water is needed for life elsewhere in the Solar system?

How much water is needed for life elsewhere in the Solar system?

the largest and deepest reservoir of all known never to have seen the mariners. It has no Islands and the coast, the wind raises the waves, the water is not running sun's glare. This dark ocean you will not find on any map of the ...


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Ocean of Enceladus may be sufficiently ancient that it was life

Ocean of Enceladus may be sufficiently ancient that it was life

recently we said goodbye with the spacecraft "Cassini", which after 13 years of loyal service to orbit Saturn and its satellites dropped right in the deep atmosphere of the giant planet. The reason this Grand final was a warning o...


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Another life: in search of a second Genesis in the Solar system

Another life: in search of a second Genesis in the Solar system

exploring space not only consider Mars as a possible abode for alien life liquid oceans under the ice trapped by the ice, there are some other moons in the Solar system. Chris McKay, for example, is in love with Mars. This red, du...


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Life on Enceladus: what is it?

Life on Enceladus: what is it?

After the announcement made by the aerospace Agency NASA last week, Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is on everyone's lips. According to the Agency, under-ice ocean of Enceladus discovered molecular hydrogen, which may be an indicator ...


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NASA: Enceladus has all the conditions for the origin of life

NASA: Enceladus has all the conditions for the origin of life

Scientists at NASA reported the discovery of new evidence on the icy moon of Saturn, Enceladus conditions to sustain life. In escaping into space from the moon's surface geysers researchers have discovered a molecule of hydrogen. ...


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