Genes 35

Scientists have discovered nearly 1,000 new genes associated with intelligence

Scientists have discovered nearly 1,000 new genes associated with intelligence

the Researchers found 1016 of specific genes associated with intelligence, most of which was previously unknown to science. An international group of scientists conducted a large-scale study and found 190 new genetic loci and 939 ...


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Modified microbes will help in the colonization of new planets

Modified microbes will help in the colonization of new planets

since people are going into space in search of life, most alien organisms, of which we meet may be logged by us. Scientists from NASA and other institutions are trying to biologically alter microbes so that they took over some of ...


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Some people hear colors and taste the sounds to taste. How do they do it?

Some people hear colors and taste the sounds to taste. How do they do it?

Synesthesia is a rare neurological condition in which senses are mixed and begin to feel for others. One woman synesthet says that "the name Katerina tastes like chocolate cake". These people call pain by its name, hear colors, se...


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The Amish have discovered a mutation that overcomes diabetes, and even aging

The Amish have discovered a mutation that overcomes diabetes, and even aging

the Amish, also known as the Amish, — it is a religious community living in several US States and in Canada. The Amish are distinguished by their simplicity of life, dress, and reluctance to adopt most modern technologies an...


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Scientists have created a revolutionary new tool for editing genes

Scientists have created a revolutionary new tool for editing genes

the Famous technology that allows you to make changes in the genome of higher organisms, including humans, became a real breakthrough in genetics, and opened to scientists, almost endless possibilities for experimentation. It is b...


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The genes of Neanderthals associated with poor sleep and obesity

The genes of Neanderthals associated with poor sleep and obesity

Genetics has firmly established that about two percent of the DNA of all living people outside of Africa was transferred from our relatives, the Neanderthals. Hard to imagine why our ancestors first decided to mate with them. In t...


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Scientists have identified 22 gene associated with intelligence

Scientists have identified 22 gene associated with intelligence

More than 60 years ago Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the double helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid known as DNA. Today, for mere pennies you can sequence their own DNA and learn about your ancestors and problem...


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In the United States for the first time edited the genes of human embryos

In the United States for the first time edited the genes of human embryos

last week, a team of researchers from the University of Oregon health and science for the first time edited human embryos using a technique known as . As reported in the project includes editing the DNA of several single-celled hu...


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Discovered the genes responsible for the sensitivity to the magnetic field of the Earth

Discovered the genes responsible for the sensitivity to the magnetic field of the Earth

People have long noticed that many animals, fish and insects can navigate the terrain and «feel» the Earth's magnetic field. In other words, they have something like «nature of the built-in compass». It is logi...


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Open new genes responsible for the development of coronary heart disease

Open new genes responsible for the development of coronary heart disease

known for the development of many diseases «responsible» our genetics. And scientists from all over the world already not the first year engaged in research of the human genome in order to successfully detect, treat and ...


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Microbiologists seem to have solved the mystery of the

Microbiologists seem to have solved the mystery of the "chicken and egg"

In science, a popular theory that the first life on Earth appeared in the so-called "primary soup". The broth elements on the basis of carbon were joined together in simple molecules, while not ultimately laid the Foundation for t...


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For brain development, immunity and memory respond to the same genes

For brain development, immunity and memory respond to the same genes

Previously it was thought that in the brain and is its own immune cells, are separated from the rest of the body the blood-brain barrier. Thus cells of the brain and immune system develop under the influence of factors unrelated t...


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Can genes be responsible for our food preferences?

Can genes be responsible for our food preferences?

has Long been known that all of our characteristics, both good and bad (like disease), developing due to genetically information. But until now it was unclear whether genetics influences on our habits, including eating behavior. W...


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Artificial intelligence and genetics of living beings are trained very similar

Artificial intelligence and genetics of living beings are trained very similar

Networks of genes in animals are somewhat similar to networks of neurons in our brains — they, too, can "learn" on the go. In 1996, a young graduate student named Richard Watson decided to read the article about evolution. She was...


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10 mutant genes that will make you a Superman

10 mutant genes that will make you a Superman

At some point each of us fantasized about being a hero. Of course, tight leotards can be uncomfortable in some places, but it's a small price that anyone is willing to pay for the possession of amazing powers. Fortunately, that dr...


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