Genetics 56

Where now living descendants of dinosaurs and that they can give scientists

Where now living descendants of dinosaurs and that they can give scientists

Can now live those who lived hundreds of millions of years ago? Dinosaurs ruled our planet millions of years ago, but now remained only in the form of sets of bones that are in museums. Not long ago, New Zealand researchers have d...


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Coronavirus and bats – friendship length in millions of years

Coronavirus and bats – friendship length in millions of years

While the world is shaken by conspiracy theories about a new coronavirus and its origin, scientists continue to work. Recently, researchers compared the different types of coronaviruses, the natural owners of which are 36 species ...


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What is DNA test, how you do it and what is it for?

What is DNA test, how you do it and what is it for?

Since in 1953 was opened the structure of DNA, was developed many methods to use this knowledge to learn how to operate all the living beings on our planet. All information about living beings is encoded in the genes and the carri...


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Bill gates wants to use genetic therapy to treat people in Africa

Bill gates wants to use genetic therapy to treat people in Africa

Who would have thought that the giant computer industry to do charity work? «Father» Corporation bill gates have long moved away from control of his company and devoted himself entirely to philanthropy. In particular, hi...


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Scientists study genome of fungi to create new varieties of alcohol

Scientists study genome of fungi to create new varieties of alcohol

Why not use science to create new varieties of alcohol? it Seems that the process is accompanied humanity throughout its history. However, as stated, modern times call for modern solutions. Here and scientific community has begun ...


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As the editor of the genome of CRISPR in bacteria

As the editor of the genome of CRISPR in bacteria

the Editor of the genome does not cease to amaze the Famous editor of the genome of the CRISPR-Cas9 is already quite well established for the treatment of diseases. And we repeatedly reported about them on our portal, so that the ...


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How to increase your productivity

How to increase your productivity

Fashion trend on self-development has distorted the very idea of development. often think of social approval, not about how to increase productivity. Personal development training, motivational books and webinars — the more the be...


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CRISPR has become more powerful, thanks to the

CRISPR has become more powerful, thanks to the "switch"

for all its stunning ability to edit the genes, mechanical CRISPR resembles a power tool with a broken switch. Just think about it: the whole mechanism of the CRISPR built in a test tube, and after completion he was always active,...


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We don't do smart kids with CRISPR. Because I can't

We don't do smart kids with CRISPR. Because I can't

Experts in the field of genetic research suggest that our worst fears about editing genes won't come true, because it's too difficult to implement. You see, one of the main concerns that cause the public method of editing genes is...


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The system of social rating in China is to punish willful scientists

The system of social rating in China is to punish willful scientists

to control the spread, so to speak, scientific self-will — commit scientific misconduct that may cause a resonance in society and ethics — the Chinese government is expanding its contradictory system of social ranking, including i...


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New test helps predict how smart is the child before its birth

New test helps predict how smart is the child before its birth

It's not really a well-known fact, but still in the procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) the parents have the opportunity to choose from several embryos that continue to develop into a full organism. Of course, before that, s...


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Design children and their children's children: as AI and genomics affect reproduction?

Design children and their children's children: as AI and genomics affect reproduction?

If individually, the technology has not evolved as fast as we wanted, now we were at a crossroads when we have to explore the points of convergence technologies. As is happening in robotics is determined by what is happening in th...


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A new modification of the CRISPR can edit up to 50 percent of the genome

A new modification of the CRISPR can edit up to 50 percent of the genome

Editor of CRISPR genome has become a very important tool in medical research and may ultimately have a significant impact on various areas: from agriculture to treat a whole heap of hereditary diseases. However, it is far from per...


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Scientists in Australia have discovered a new genetic disease

Scientists in Australia have discovered a new genetic disease

Daily scientists are looking for methods to combat various diseases. But unfortunately, a new disease is also sometimes found. And, as reported by the editorial Board Еurekalert, recently a group of scientists from the Australian ...


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Genetic "Noah's ark" will save 66 000

the international consortium of more than 50 institutions, recently announced an ambitious project to collect high-quality genome sequence 66 000 vertebrate species across the Earth, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians ...


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RNA editing could be the next step in the development of CRISPR

RNA editing could be the next step in the development of CRISPR

prestigious Scientists from the Salk Institute reported that they managed to create a map of the molecular structure of the enzyme CRISPR, which allows scientists to more accurately manipulate the functions in the cell. Over the p...


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Discovered genes that play a key role in the aging process

Discovered genes that play a key role in the aging process

Any living organism on our planet is influenced by such a process as aging. It is inherent in our nature, but people always wanted to find the cause of this phenomenon and to influence it. The victory over the aging process is not...


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Made the first three-dimensional map of the human genome

Made the first three-dimensional map of the human genome

the first year, scientists from around the world engaged in the study of the genome. Made significant gains in his decoding, however, detailed three-dimensional map of the genome was able to make only recently. Moreover, it helped...


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Presents genetically engineered

Presents genetically engineered "smart" plants

unlike animals, plants are pretty well amenable to genetic modification and today you can create a plant, you can say, "for every taste". But what if a purely decorative ornaments to create something more useful? For example, sens...


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In the laboratory created the first embryo rhinos. They will help to rescue the almost extinct species

In the laboratory created the first embryo rhinos. They will help to rescue the almost extinct species

In March, died last male Northern white Rhino, leaving only two females of this subspecies. Not having any way to reproduce naturally, the rhinos went to the edge of extinction back to back. But some scientists want to be involved...


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