Humanity 90

As Smoking electronic cigarettes affect your teeth?

As Smoking electronic cigarettes affect your teeth?

abandoning conventional cigarettes, many people first moving to digital alternatives, considering that they are virtually harmless and not threatening to health. However, over the last few years a number of scholars have put this ...


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The scientists were able to determine the level of vitamin C and a person without a blood test

The scientists were able to determine the level of vitamin C and a person without a blood test

the Most common method of determining the concentration of substances in the body for the day is a blood test. It not only allows you to learn the content of vitamins, hormone levels and other indicators of human health, but can a...


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Can a beard to protect from broken jaw?

Can a beard to protect from broken jaw?

If at the time of the Neanderthals scalp (and beard in particular) was widely used for heat preservation of a person in the cold, then eventually the beard became rather fashionable accessory than some functional tool. And fashion...


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It is proved that swearing helps to better endure the pain

It is proved that swearing helps to better endure the pain

Many often caught myself thinking that in a difficult situation they themselves pulled words, which are called taboo words. Someone swears a little more, some a little less, but hardly anyone after them on foot will put a piano, w...


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Is it true that our ancestors killed the Neanderthals?

Is it true that our ancestors killed the Neanderthals?

About 40 thousand years ago on Earth there lived several members of the genus of people. The most numerous of them were our ancestors Homo sapiens and the Neanderthals. To live on the same planet several types of bipedal creatures...


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Why might it be dangerous to drink the water?

Why might it be dangerous to drink the water?

For hundreds of millions of people around the world groundwater is the main source of fresh water. For example, in many regions of Asia and South America they are used for irrigation of agricultural crops — drought conditions do n...


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As the choice of transport for the movement effect on mortality?

As the choice of transport for the movement effect on mortality?

We often say that it is better to just walk on the way to work or school than to travel by private or public transport. It really helps to become more healthy? For those who have not enough time to do sports, walking in the mornin...


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TOP 10 syndromes of the person that put scientists in a deadlock

TOP 10 syndromes of the person that put scientists in a deadlock

in Addition to autism, depression and schizophrenia in humans, can meet a variety of state and syndromes. For example, some of the people of Japan suffer from so-called "Paris syndrome" — they feel anxious at the sight of the Fren...


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How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus?

How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus?

since the topic of coronavirus relevant and interesting to many, will continue to talk about fighting the virus, but from the point of view of science. Daily on TV you can hear the speeches of politicians on the fact that someone ...


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Asperger syndrome: signs, causes and treatment

Asperger syndrome: signs, causes and treatment

35 years ago autism was not well understood by scientists, and in this saw a strong need — autism suffered an average of 5 people out of 10 thousand. Subsequently, however, doctors noticed a sharp increase in such diagnoses among ...


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What are mutations and how do they differ

What are mutations and how do they differ

All people in one degree or another can be called mutants. But not like in "X-Men" or in the Marvel universe — even the hair color change, growth or face structure can be attributed to the mutations. The slightest changes in our g...


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As the Neanderthals processed the skin, making it soft and water resistant

As the Neanderthals processed the skin, making it soft and water resistant

Sometimes, after the appearance of news that made some discovery concerning the Neanderthals, it seems we very much underestimated. It is found that they actively demonstrate social skills that proved their ability to handle the m...


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Do we have immunity to the new coronavirus?

Do we have immunity to the new coronavirus?

Sooner or later the country will begin again to let the citizens of other countries once closed the border because of the risk of the spread of coronavirus. But how to prevent a repeat of the epidemic? So far, the countries themse...


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The researchers first created antibodies that can destroy coronavirus

The researchers first created antibodies that can destroy coronavirus

For several months, scientists from many countries, including Russia, are trying to create effective the vaccine for coronavirus. And their labors finally gave the first fruits: scientists from the two countries were able to ident...


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Which animals can drink alcohol and not get drunk?

Which animals can drink alcohol and not get drunk?

People drink alcohol for a very long time. Archaeologists have found evidence that beer was brewed by as many as 13 000 (!) years ago in what is now Israel. To try this drink for obvious reasons anymore. But not only the person fe...


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Is it true that people are cruel by nature?

Is it true that people are cruel by nature?

Sorry, the peacemakers. The results of the study, based on an innovative approach to mapping the evolution of lethal violence have shown that Homo sapiens is descended from one of the most violent branches of mammals. The tendency...


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How to solve the problem of overpopulation of the Earth?

How to solve the problem of overpopulation of the Earth?

the company, which many of us know, incredibly young when you consider how much time went into creating it. Throughout our history we have struggled for survival and suffered numerous disasters, which are one of the reasons why al...


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How air pollution affects the growth retardation in children

How air pollution affects the growth retardation in children

Minor and largely already familiar (especially to large cities) exhaust gases, microscopic dust particles and other polluting agents no doubt have a negative impact on our health. Each year, about 4 million people die because of d...


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What is life?

What is life?

you can Often find messages like "astronomers believe that the planet xxx could be a life" or "to find life, you first need to detect signs of the presence of water" and so on. But what do they mean by "life"? All that only knows ...


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In the United States recognized that the ventilator dies 88% of patients with coronavirus

In the United States recognized that the ventilator dies 88% of patients with coronavirus

When the world is raging coronavirus that causes pneumonia and kills people, the only solution is intensive care. If this is not done, the victims will be very much. Today for severe patients there is only one solution — con...


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