Neural network 95

The neural network for the price of Picasso: new picture painted of AI, will sell at auction

The neural network for the price of Picasso: new picture painted of AI, will sell at auction

March 6 at Sotheby's auction in London, a very unusual lot — the installation, the main element of which is a neural network that is constantly generating unique portraits. The project, called "Memories of passers-by 1" (Mem...


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"Audio avatars" will allow you to change voice in a video game. Try it yourself right now

Computer games released in the last few years provide ample opportunities to fine-tune characters. Each player can create unique faces and try on any clothes so that his virtual avatar is fully consistent with his style. The only ...


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The neural network of Yandex, wrote a piece for Symphony orchestra. And she'll sing

The neural network of Yandex, wrote a piece for Symphony orchestra. And she'll sing

We have already seen what they are capable of a neural network, including the creation of real human faces. But that's not the end — application of neural networks is much broader than we think. So, the specialists of Yandex...


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Paint the future: a neural network learned how to add the photo of the nonexistent details

Paint the future: a neural network learned how to add the photo of the nonexistent details

Thanks to neural networks, graphical editors of the future will be capable of doing the impossible to date things. For example, can you imagine that an ordinary computer program can draw the picture of the man smile, remove the gl...


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News of high technologies: moving to Mars and the uprising of the neural networks

News of high technologies: moving to Mars and the uprising of the neural networks

recently, the neural networks have made such a step forward that even begin to worry about the fate of humanity... what happened, you ask? Now in all will understand. 1. for Example, neural networks have learned to create a huma...


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The neural network learned to create a human face. Try it for yourself

The neural network learned to create a human face. Try it for yourself

neural networks have learned to create a human face. The corresponding project has launched one of the developers , which employs a combination of two neural networks to create site-generator realistic. And the service is able to ...


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Neuroscientists have trained a neural network to translate brain signals into intelligible speech

Neuroscientists have trained a neural network to translate brain signals into intelligible speech

Using the technology to scan brain activity, artificial intelligence and speech synthesis, scientists from Columbia University (USA) have created a device that can translate a person's thoughts in articulate speech. The results of...


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The neural network is able to

The neural network is able to "revive" old games. The result is amazing

growing in popularity among gamers gets ESRGAN technology (Enhanced Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks). The latter is a neural network, which have implemented technologies for scaling images with a 2-8-fold increase...


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Found a way to turn thoughts into oral speech. To say this is not necessarily

Found a way to turn thoughts into oral speech. To say this is not necessarily

Paralysis — quite a scary condition in which part if I may say so, "physiological" functions of the person becomes uncontrollable despite the fact that at the level of the Central nervous system may be in order. The treatmen...


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Try a graphical editor based on neural network

Try a graphical editor based on neural network

we can All draw simple shapes or sketchy people, cars and so on. But the real talent of the artist is endowed with a few. Oh and if it comes to photoshop, then to personal qualities is added the need to understand the intricacies ...


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Created an online service for background images faster photoshop

Created an online service for background images faster photoshop

Neural networks are able to do with graphic images of previously unimaginable things. For example, in July 2018, NVIDIA demonstrated the operation of the algorithm, which takes away from the photos . Unfortunately, ordinary users ...


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#Video | the Neural network generates photos of non-existent people

#Video | the Neural network generates photos of non-existent people

In October 2018, a division of Google called DeepMind created for concocting pictures. NVIDIA went ahead and used a similar algorithm to create faces that don't exist. The result of the neural network shown in the video — it is bo...


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Found a way to create artificial synapses based on nanowires

Found a way to create artificial synapses based on nanowires

the Main structural element of the nervous system is a cell that transmits information to other cells through synapses. It is a complex structure that can create artificially, and even in miniature, are not so easy. However, a gro...


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The neural network learned how to fake fingerprints

The neural network learned how to fake fingerprints

Today, a variety of biometric sensors like the fingerprint scanner are necessary attributes of a modern smartphone. We quite successfully used and stored under this castle a lot of personal data. However, there is no such system t...


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Developed offline speech recognition system running with an accuracy of 97%

Developed offline speech recognition system running with an accuracy of 97%

As a rule, different systems of speech recognition, individuals, interpreters and others use enormous server capacity for their work. And in order to make them available for everyone, developers transmit all data over the Internet...


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The researchers grew neural network from human stem cells

The researchers grew neural network from human stem cells

the study of the nervous system of higher animals — an extremely difficult task. Especially if we are talking about the study of the human brain. To obtain the desired material is obtained . Recently, however, neuroscientist...


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New memristor-sized atom will improve the performance of neural networks

New memristor-sized atom will improve the performance of neural networks

Computer neural network on the basis of which is built the artificial intelligence, is designed at its core as well as their anatomical ancestors. In order for the AI learned something new, we need to strengthen old and create new...


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The neural network was trained to copy movements of people from videos on YouTube

The neural network was trained to copy movements of people from videos on YouTube

today, the main methods of creating realistic animation of virtual creatures are skeletal animation and the infamous Motion Capture (mocap). However, experts are constantly in search of new lower quality, but cheaper ways. And, qu...


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The neural network

The neural network "Yandex" has improved the quality of Soviet cartoons

Manual restoration of film and cartoons — a long and laborious work. Fortunately, neural networks have learned to enhance images in real-time. For example, this is good technology DeepHD from "Yandex". Its effectiveness has been p...


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Scientists plan to grow a living neural computer

Scientists plan to grow a living neural computer

Will the computers of the future as well as now assembled in factories, or they are literally grown in laboratories like cell culture? This question is so much interested in the team of biologists and computer engineers Lyaskovo U...


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