hacker 328

The United States accused China of plans to steal the design of vaccines against coronavirus

The United States accused China of plans to steal the design of vaccines against coronavirus

Sometimes it seems that coronavirus is driving people crazy. This is not surprising given how many have already have to sit in quarantine. A similar situation occurs throughout the world and this must have something to do. Not sur...


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Hackers can turn the satellites of the planets into a weapon

Hackers can turn the satellites of the planets into a weapon

last month, SpaceX became the operator of the world's largest number of active satellites. It is known that as of the end of January 2020, the company had 242 satellite orbiting the planet, and planned to launch another 42 000 wit...


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Artificial intelligence has learned to track down the hackers

Artificial intelligence has learned to track down the hackers

whether the hackers to resist artificial intelligence? and system based on this technology are increasingly used in real life. Often, however, the scope of analysis is limited to large amounts of data or complex calculations. But...


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Hacker 1337. How to hack Etherscan not to cause any harm

Hacker 1337. How to hack Etherscan not to cause any harm

Monday on the website Etherscan.io appeared a pop-up message with the numbers 1337. The visitors began to panic and spread rumors about hacking Explorer. really hacked, but the damage from a hacker attack was zero. About it writes...


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Hackers broke into the NASA server, using a cheap Raspberry Pi computer

Hackers broke into the NASA server, using a cheap Raspberry Pi computer

Can the U.S. jet propulsion Laboratory NASA (JPL) and produces some of the most high-tech things on the planet, for example, the same and space telescopes, but it turns out that she has experienced very serious problems with cyber...


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To maintain the exchange — the most difficult task in the world. The statement of the former employee Bitfinex

To maintain the exchange — the most difficult task in the world. The statement of the former employee Bitfinex

2019 was generous for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Several successive jumps with relatively small corrections significantly increased the market capitalization of all the coins. However, the community is kept accepts the negativi...


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At a glance: Metamask reveals the ETH addresses of all visited sites

At a glance: Metamask reveals the ETH addresses of all visited sites

the GitHub User under the name projectoblio with the most popular browser extension . As the author describes, the extension sends information about the user -addresses of all visited sites. And it's not even a bug, but a feature ...


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New details from Cryptopia. What is known at the moment?

New details from Cryptopia. What is known at the moment?

Representatives of Cryptopia shared with users of the new data on the progress of rehabilitation after breaking 14 January 2019. Judging by the contents of the letter, the staff of the exchange is really doing everything possible ...


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Gatecoin is ready. The court initiated liquidation procedure of the exchange

Gatecoin is ready. The court initiated liquidation procedure of the exchange

Another stock exchange carries significant losses, and is on a par with dozens of other sites. Hong Kong Playground announced the closure of the news appeared on the official website. After unsuccessful attempts to recover funds l...


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New details hacking Bancor. Stolen ethers in motion

New details hacking Bancor. Stolen ethers in motion

July 10, 2018 hackers wallets on blockchain startup and stole the tokens , and $ 23 million. Perhaps the hacker thought that the hype was already asleep and decided to use the money. A few days ago 25.5 thousand ETH sent a service...


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The CEO Of Mt. Gox was responsible for the setup of investors. The opinion of the founder Bitcoin.com

The CEO Of Mt. Gox was responsible for the setup of investors. The opinion of the founder Bitcoin.com

the Director-General .com and advocate Roger Ver has shared his opinion about the sentencing of Mark Karpeles. The former CEO of crypto currency exchange Mt. Gox Karpeles received a suspended sentence. Tokyo district judge cost 2....


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A set of stereotypes and misconceptions, or the New brainchild of Hollywood about Bitcoin

A set of stereotypes and misconceptions, or the New brainchild of Hollywood about Bitcoin

Hollywood was always sensitive to trends. And cryptocurrency is no exception. The title of the new film is not creativity: «Crypt» to be released in April. The film tells the story of an investigator for the fight agains...


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In Japan have arrested 18-year-old hacker. He stole MonaCoin for 134 thousand dollars

In Japan have arrested 18-year-old hacker. He stole MonaCoin for 134 thousand dollars

According to a report by local news agencies, the Metropolitan police of Japan blames the young hacker to steal — hard forks — 134310 dollars. For Japan, it is the first case of capture of the hacker behind the theft of cryptocurr...


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Free cheese: hackers advertised a malicious extension for Google Chrome using airdrop

Free cheese: hackers advertised a malicious extension for Google Chrome using airdrop

According to research analyst Harry at Durnley , fraudsters managed to lure more than 200 users in a useless airdrop, which spread their extension. NoCoin downloaded 230 times before Google removed the program from public access. ...


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Guilty, but not much. Sentenced the former CEO of Mt. Gox

Guilty, but not much. Sentenced the former CEO of Mt. Gox

Former CEO of the now defunct Bitcoin exchange, mark Karpeles received a suspended prison sentence. Tokyo court found him guilty of falsifying financial statements. As shown by the results of the investigation, Karpeles mixed pers...


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Cryptopia comes. Users are allowed to cancel the orders

Cryptopia comes. Users are allowed to cancel the orders

In January of this year the new Zealand crypto currency exchange Cryptopia was under attack. Now she is recovering and preparing for . About it at least says that on Monday, the exchange allowed all customers to cancel their order...


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Contractee: hackers from North Korea stole $ 670 million

Contractee: hackers from North Korea stole $ 670 million

Local media Tokyo, the Nikkei Asian presented the report which details the evasion of North Korea from the economic embargo. This helps the technology of the blockchain. The report also provides information of the UN Security Coun...


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Bitcoin.com tried to attack. Maybe the government is involved

Bitcoin.com tried to attack. Maybe the government is involved

According to captainvalor and owner Bitcoin.com Roger Faith, the resource is under cyber attack, which is sponsored by the government. 40-year-old businessman from Tokyo stated that he received a warning from Google Suite about a ...


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Cryptopia has earned six weeks after the burglary. What is available to users of the exchange?

Cryptopia has earned six weeks after the burglary. What is available to users of the exchange?

to run the exchange staff warned last week, and originally planned for Monday. In the end, due to delays moved the date to the day. But now Cryptopia go online. Look in your personal Cabinet at the site and at the same time trying...


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Bitfinex does not allow traders to withdraw funds. Who is to blame?

Bitfinex does not allow traders to withdraw funds. Who is to blame?

an Angry user Reddit under the nickname DXGao the story of how a crypto currency exchange blocked its application for withdrawal. According to the trader, when you make a Deposit the exchange has required him at least 10 thousand ...


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