litecoin 100

Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

co-Owner and most popular forum about cryptocurrency Cobra called Coinbase Scam Pro trading platform American crypto currency exchange Coinbase. In his tweet he wrote «if you read Coinbase Pro back...


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GlobalCoin from Facebook will destroy all that is good in cryptocurrency

GlobalCoin from Facebook will destroy all that is good in cryptocurrency

In Facebook , working on its own digital currency GlobalCoin. Without a doubt, the cryptocurrency's largest social Corporation with a couple of billions active users, will become widespread and popular. Money can be sent as easily...


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ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS: an analysis of the charts of the most popular cryptocurrency on may 28

ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS: an analysis of the charts of the most popular cryptocurrency on may 28

a New historical high has affected the entire stock market — the total capitalization of the latter recently reached 278 billion. The index of dominance of the main cryptocurrency is still growing, which suggests low investor inte...


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Litecoin has broken the level of 60 dollars and could trigger bullrun Bitcoin

Litecoin has broken the level of 60 dollars and could trigger bullrun Bitcoin

over the past three months shows a steady growth. It is also connected with information about possible integration MimbleWimble — privacy Protocol, which is used to Grin and Beam. According to analysts, this trend may provoke the ...


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Binance runs from regulators, but in the end will lose. Report MIT

Binance runs from regulators, but in the end will lose. Report MIT

the world's Largest crypto currency exchange is playing a dangerous game with the regulators. She continues to work as if the market is still bullish, that is, including increasing the capitalization at the expense of ICO. The exp...


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A new ranking of cryptocurrencies from China. Tron took off the top and Bitcoin is losing popularity

A new ranking of cryptocurrencies from China. Tron took off the top and Bitcoin is losing popularity

the Center for information and development of industry in China (CCID) has updated the most promising cryptocurrencies version of the local experts. Judging by the published data, investors from China for quite a long time, give p...


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Take the above: what will be the new price highs the most popular coins?

Take the above: what will be the new price highs the most popular coins?

ready to turn the market? To whet the anticipation of the new bullrun, trader under the name ScienceGuy9489 published long-term forecasts for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. It seems ahead of us great things — according to expert...


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Destroy kryptonite. Is it possible to protect the coin from 51% attack?

Destroy kryptonite. Is it possible to protect the coin from 51% attack?

Many cryptocurrencies were attacked 51%. Recently, the list of the lucky ones at least got , and . We spoke in detail about the principle of attack and its features . the flames were fanned on the eve Creator Charlie Lee, who made...


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Litecoin has jumped twice since the beginning of the year. What is the reason for the growth of cryptocurrencies?

Litecoin has jumped twice since the beginning of the year. What is the reason for the growth of cryptocurrencies?

the year started really good. While many digital currency experienced a so-called cryptozoa, steadily grew. Only for the 2019 price has increased almost twice — from 30.50 dollar as of January 1, to $ 60 today. Highlight the main ...


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In Japan have arrested 18-year-old hacker. He stole MonaCoin for 134 thousand dollars

In Japan have arrested 18-year-old hacker. He stole MonaCoin for 134 thousand dollars

According to a report by local news agencies, the Metropolitan police of Japan blames the young hacker to steal — hard forks — 134310 dollars. For Japan, it is the first case of capture of the hacker behind the theft of cryptocurr...


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Halving approaching: Bitmain has sold 100 thousand L3 Antminer for mining Litecoin one day

Halving approaching: Bitmain has sold 100 thousand L3 Antminer for mining Litecoin one day

As the price rose sharply after the celebrations of the Lunar New year in early February, leader in the production of mining equipment has been successfully selling L3. On the eve of the second halving of Litecoin, which is schedu...


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Why Litecoin will pass ripple in 2019. The analysts

Why Litecoin will pass ripple in 2019. The analysts

Forbes published an article, according to which by the end of the year must be around here, in terms of market capitalization. As the author of the article Billy Bambro, the price of LTC responds to the efforts of the Litecoin Fou...


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Threat browser extension, or How easy it is to lose your cryptocurrency?

Threat browser extension, or How easy it is to lose your cryptocurrency?

We periodically remind you how cryptocurrencies don't fall for the tricks and in General not to lose their cherished coins. Methods of fraudsters develop from year to year and now some of them are so cleverly disguised and that ev...


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Litecoin jumped above $ 50. Whom to thank for the steep increase?

Litecoin jumped above $ 50. Whom to thank for the steep increase?

All the efforts of the Litecoin Foundation is gradually bearing fruit — now is a real «digital silver» in Venezuela. A large contribution to this comes from the service Ramesas, which allows local residents to make fast ...


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The money you stole from the Bitcoin economic model. Critic Roger Faith

The money you stole from the Bitcoin economic model. Critic Roger Faith

Roger Ver, who once again came to the defense and tried to describe the future of the coin. In a recent interview, he noted that BCH is facing many challenges, including scaling and competition from other assets. At some moment wi...


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Litecoin has increased by 120 percent since mid-December. The reason for the jump?

Litecoin has increased by 120 percent since mid-December. The reason for the jump?

the Fifth capitalization, the cryptocurrency has shown very good results in February — only for the month increased by nearly 59 percent. It is noteworthy that LTC seriously bypassed in terms of profitability — that rose by only 1...


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The history of coins: how cryptocurrency was before the invention of Bitcoin?

The history of coins: how cryptocurrency was before the invention of Bitcoin?

given the huge number of altcoins on the market now it is difficult to imagine the industry in its «prehistoric times». It was in 2009, and what happened to him? In fact, cryptostore originates long before the appearance...


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Regular cleaning on Binance. What cryptocurrencies suffered in this time?

Regular cleaning on Binance. What cryptocurrencies suffered in this time?

the world's Largest crypto currency exchange Binance has announced that it will exclude from the trading floor five , , , and . The reasons for this decision are set out in the company blog. First and foremost, the representatives...


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No of trades: the stock market is still in the flat

No of trades: the stock market is still in the flat

Before the weekend the stock market was able to maintain apparent stability is a big part of the cryptocurrency did not even budge for an entire week. The industry is in place, and altcoins continue to draw horizontal channels on ...


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Cryptomeria: Charlie Lee spoke about the problems of interchangeability of Bitcoin and Litecoin

Cryptomeria: Charlie Lee spoke about the problems of interchangeability of Bitcoin and Litecoin

Creator Charlie Lee recently held an open lecture in the air podcast Magical Crypto Friends. Lee spoke about the problems of interchangeability of cryptocurrencies, but also shared features of the economic models and Litecoin. He ...


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