mit 48

MIT scientists have created a cheap nylon legs

MIT scientists have created a cheap nylon legs

Modern dentures are often extremely comfortable, light and allow a person to live a full life, almost without thinking about his disability. However, they have a significant drawback: price. But soon things can change thanks to th...


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#video | At MIT learned to control a robot using brain impulses

#video | At MIT learned to control a robot using brain impulses

the first year the world's leading experts are being developed in the field of neural interfaces. And recently have succeeded and experts from the artificial intelligence lab Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT), who were a...


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Artificial intelligence has learned to detect people through walls

Artificial intelligence has learned to detect people through walls

the Technology of tracking is no surprise, however, the team of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) were able to create a device that is able to follow the man through the walls. Moreover, the device is ...


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Scientists have created the AI-psychopath

Scientists have created the AI-psychopath

Experts on machine learning from mit – a neural network inspired by kichkovskyy a psychopath with a split personality Norman Bates, a character in a novel by Robert Bloch and the eponymous Alfred Hitchcock film "Psycho." Fortunate...


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As a new bouncy material from MIT will change the auto industry

As a new bouncy material from MIT will change the auto industry

Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) for a long time developed a special soft inflatable stretchable material. But this news would not have such great importance, if not the car manufacturer BMW, who with the...


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The students of MIT opened the world's first fully robotic restaurant

The students of MIT opened the world's first fully robotic restaurant

In the world there are many conceptual and creative restaurants. Like places where the food is served in complete darkness, or establishments, where the menu is present only molecular gastronomy. And recently, according to Engadge...


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Disney and MIT have created a VR-a jacket that captures the feeling

Disney and MIT have created a VR-a jacket that captures the feeling

With every passing day the popularity of virtual reality is growing. And the good news is the fact that the developers are not sitting idly by and develop technology. For example, Disney in collaboration with scientists from the M...


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10 best promising technologies in 2018 by the MIT

10 best promising technologies in 2018 by the MIT

neural networks-duelists. Artificial embryos. Artificial intelligence in the cloud. What other technologies MIT Technology Review has called the most important in 2018? Annual compilation of technologies that can change the world ...


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The art of kirigami inspired scientists to create innovative patch

The art of kirigami inspired scientists to create innovative patch

Kirigami is the Japanese art of making paper of different figurines and greeting cards using ordinary scissors. Who would have thought that it will inspire researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology for the creatio...


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MIT scientists will teach unmanned vehicles to navigate in heavy fog

MIT scientists will teach unmanned vehicles to navigate in heavy fog

Ensuring the safe movement of self-driving cars very — a new direction for their launch. Especially in light of the recent . The greatest danger any vehicle is in low light conditions and visibility, particularly in the fog....


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At MIT have created a device that can extract water from the air even in the desert

At MIT have created a device that can extract water from the air even in the desert

Researchers from mit and the University of California at Berkeley has developed, and now successfully tested an innovative technology capable of extracting water from the air even in dry arid climate. The extraction of water in th...


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The "body on a chip" — a new development at MIT for testing of medicines

When a pharmaceutical company needed to figure out how a new drug affects the human physiology, the list of options is not so great. Most often the drugs are tested on laboratory mice, which can hardly be called "the perfect analo...


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At MIT found a way to harness the energy of stars

At MIT found a way to harness the energy of stars

Nuclear energy – the dream of scientists and energy companies may soon become a reality. Of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) and the Commonwealth Fusion Systems has declared readiness to create a working ...


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Chip MIT reduced the power consumption of the neural network at the 95%

Chip MIT reduced the power consumption of the neural network at the 95%

Neural networks are a powerful thing, but very voracious. Engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) have managed to develop a new chip which reduces power consumption of the neural network by 95%, which could ...


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MIT has created a new form of light

MIT has created a new form of light

If you conduct a little experiment and cross the beams of two flashlights, you'll find that nothing happens (unless, of course, except for the increased brightness). The reason is that photons of light do not interact, but rather ...


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The new processor will enable to run the neural network on smartphones

The new processor will enable to run the neural network on smartphones

the Neural network every day are becoming more common. But their work requires very much energy. And if a couple of years ago, someone said that the neural network will be able to work in a smartphone, many would have thought it w...


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Scientists from MIT created a tattoo from a living cell

Scientists from MIT created a tattoo from a living cell

Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) invented a temporary "tattoo" consisting of a genetically engineered living cells. Their prototype is similar to a transparent sticker with a pattern resembling wood. Th...


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At MIT learned to control the robots using virtual reality

At MIT learned to control the robots using virtual reality

virtual reality Headset like the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift is suitable not only for video games, but also for use in industry and science. Scientists have developed a system that uses the VR-helmet to remotely control an indust...


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The sound waves will allow to more effectively investigate blood samples

The sound waves will allow to more effectively investigate blood samples

a Few years ago a group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology announced that it managed to separate blood cells using sound waves. Now, in collaboration with several teams of scientists, experts from MIT ha...


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At MIT taught a robot the rules of movement in public areas

At MIT taught a robot the rules of movement in public areas

the Algorithms by which robots calculate the trajectory of its movement from point "A" to point "B", there are enough long. This is not surprising. However, the movement of the robot in a place with heavy pedestrian traffic – a ta...


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