monero 61

How to configure and run the miner CryptoDredge? Step by step instructions

How to configure and run the miner CryptoDredge? Step by step instructions

In December, the developers had hardwork and passed to the algorithm the Merkle Tree Proof (MTP). The main task of update — the protection of the community from ASIC, and with her team coped. Now rig owners digging XZC not worried...


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Bold statement: Craig Wright allegedly may disclose all transactions in Monero and zcash for

Bold statement: Craig Wright allegedly may disclose all transactions in Monero and zcash for

the Main supporter and the alleged Satoshi Nakamoto recently entered into a verbal altercation with the main developer of Monero Ricardo Spani. Craig Wright first made a few serious attacks to the side and . Spanyi such statements...


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Holder Monero has lost 80 thousand dollars due to a mysterious bug in the wallet Ledger

Holder Monero has lost 80 thousand dollars due to a mysterious bug in the wallet Ledger

this week hardwork , which should reduce the presence of ASIC miners in the network of cryptocurrency to a minimum. However, the use of Asimov, it seems, is not the only problem of the project. The team warns the community of the ...


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Hardwork Monero this week. ASIC miners again declared war

Hardwork Monero this week. ASIC miners again declared war

last week was held successfully on the network . This time the turn has come — after a few days, the cryptocurrency will pass through the next upgrade, which should reduce the presence of ASIC-miners in its herate. Now, the decent...


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A leading developer of Monero said. Coin can integrate MimbleWimble

A leading developer of Monero said. Coin can integrate MimbleWimble

the Main developer private cryptocurrency Riccardo's Spanyi in an interview with Naomi Brockwell told why you ever got involved with this coin. According to him, there are at least two main reasons. First, it was not based on the ...


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Decentralization under threat: 85% Hasrat Monero accounts for ASIC miners

Decentralization under threat: 85% Hasrat Monero accounts for ASIC miners

A cryptocurrency network unsuccessfully with ASIC-mining and create a resistant protocols. Developers of some projects even type in the full lock ASIC equipment. As the perfect example, take Monero — code have been changed many ti...


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What altcoins will increase in February? Analysts forecast

What altcoins will increase in February? Analysts forecast

the Service published the results of its latest monthly poll of leaders of kryptonyte and FINTECH experts. The overall trend is quite positive — many believe in the imminent growth of digital assets, but in a strong bullish predic...


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ASIC miners made it to Monero. Hasrat network has increased dramatically two times

ASIC miners made it to Monero. Hasrat network has increased dramatically two times

Over the last month has increased two times, which raised suspicions within the coins. Some commentators point to the apparent presence of Asimov network Monero. If this is true, then soon the XMR developers will have to spend har...


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Anonymous transactions in the Litecoin implement with the Protocol MimbleWimble

Anonymous transactions in the Litecoin implement with the Protocol MimbleWimble

a Few days ago, Creator Charlie Lee , the developers of cryptocurrency will make every effort to implement a confidential transaction in LTC. If all goes according to plan, to anonymously send coins it will be possible by the end ...


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Chinese investors find the most promising Grin anonymous Aldona

Chinese investors find the most promising Grin anonymous Aldona

Chinese investors prefer Grin — these are the results of a recent survey of local media PANews. Most interested in the crypt of citizens believe Grin the most promising project in the field of private cryptocurrency. While this st...


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The developers of Monero: Bitcoin privacy is a fundamental right of every human being

The developers of Monero: Bitcoin privacy is a fundamental right of every human being

the Issue of privacy for many years been a disappointment to opponents of cryptocurrencies. Allegedly most of them, it encourages illegal activity and tax evasion. However, proponents of coin argue that this is just the inherent r...


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Wikipedia recommends. Monero, catching up with Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP in popularity

Wikipedia recommends. Monero, catching up with Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP in popularity

Now one of the most popular cryptocurrency sensitive yet demonstrates a long fall. Once included in the top ten cryptocurrencies, Monero now moved to 13th position in terms of market capitalization. In addition, she has lost almos...


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What cryptocurrencies is mine in 2019? A list of the best coins for mining

What cryptocurrencies is mine in 2019? A list of the best coins for mining

Late last year for the niche cryptocurrency was very heavy. Hardwork and further brought down the market to the year's lows. The same Ethereum in the first half of December hanging out at 85 dollars, while Bitcoin barely showed si...


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In Norway, the kidnapped wife of a rich man. Criminals require 9 million euros in Monero

In Norway, the kidnapped wife of a rich man. Criminals require 9 million euros in Monero

In Norway was wrong. According to local police, 68-year-old millionaire's wife Anna Elizabeth Falkevik had been missing since October 31. Her husband, Tom Hagen takes 172 place in the list of the richest people in the country. On ...


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Hot Dec for 2Miners: launch of Monero pools and Zcoin, the block ETH is 16 thousand dollars and update Equihash 144.5

Hot Dec for 2Miners: launch of Monero pools and Zcoin, the block ETH is 16 thousand dollars and update Equihash 144.5

December traditionally has been the hottest month of the year. Of course, this is also connected with the need to buy a bunch of gifts and slice five pounds of ingredients for the salad, but there were other important developments...


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Not exactly Bitcoin: how crypto currencies are developed most quickly?

Not exactly Bitcoin: how crypto currencies are developed most quickly?

Capitalization of crypto-currencies is not always an indicator of activity of its developers. According to the service CoinCodeCap is already on 52 place in the speed of development. According to experts of the platform, familiar ...


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This is a breakthrough: shop Fortnite takes the cryptocurrency Monero

This is a breakthrough: shop Fortnite takes the cryptocurrency Monero

Store branded goods from online games Fortnite began to accept as a payment method. This was announced by the team itself Monero in his Twitter. Recall, the game Fortnite from Epic Games launched in July 2017. To date, her running...


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That Grin and Mimblewimble mean for the future of Bitcoin? Let's deal

That Grin and Mimblewimble mean for the future of Bitcoin? Let's deal

this month promise to run one of the most anticipated cryptocurrency projects lately. The Grin team maintains complete privacy, wanting to reproduce the specifics of the transaction. There will be no or premining. The project will...


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The gift under the tree: Kraken opens for trading with leverage for XRP and Bitcoin Cash

The gift under the tree: Kraken opens for trading with leverage for XRP and Bitcoin Cash

Want to make money or to lose money on the crypt even faster? Visit The Kraken. More recently, the exchange began to support margin trading . To date, the platform has offered a total of six trading pairs trading with leverage — ,...


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Time magazine: Bitcoin can be a refuge from economic control and disability

Time magazine: Bitcoin can be a refuge from economic control and disability

For nearly ten years of existence of Bitcoin many well-known journalists who often do not even realize the value of assets on the basis of the blockchain, openly decried the cryptocurrency. Some argue that the ecosystem is teeming...


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