the Rover 28

On Mars a dust storm raging. The life of one of the Rovers NASA under threat

On Mars a dust storm raging. The life of one of the Rovers NASA under threat

the American space Agency NASA has suspended all scientific work of a small Mars Rover "opportunity", as over the Valley of perseverance (Perseverance Valley), a place where the unit is located, is currently raging a huge dust sto...


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Mars Rover

Mars Rover "Kyuriositi" found "ancient organics" and confirmed the seasonality of methane emissions

Autonomous Mars science laboratory "Curiosity" space Agency NASA, a few years dedicated to the research of the red planet, has made two amazing discoveries. First, the Rover has been able to confirm the assumption that the concent...


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NASA has begun to build a new Rover Mars 2020

NASA has begun to build a new Rover Mars 2020

Engineers space Agency NASA has begun to build a new Rover that will travel to Mars in July 2020 with the help of the carrier rocket "Atlas-5". The Assembly of the new Mars Rover will be produced in the jet propulsion Laboratory (...


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Mars Rover

Mars Rover "opportunity" has survived eight winters on the red planet

the Initial estimated operation time landed on the Red planet on 25 January 2004 the Mars Rover "opportunity" was about 90 earth days. However, the little robot has surpassed all expectations and is working on Mars for 13 years an...


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NASA developed tires with memory foam for the new Rover

NASA developed tires with memory foam for the new Rover

During his five-year stay on the red planet and the Curiosity Rover has done a tremendous research work and made many interesting scientific discoveries. And during all this time, the Autonomous Mars science laboratory, of course,...


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New NASA Rover will become a work of engineering art

New NASA Rover will become a work of engineering art

According to the plans of space Agency NASA, the next Mars Rover will travel to Mars in July 2020. The machine is still in production, but the NASA employees periodically publish information that shed light on how he eventually wi...


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In the search for life on Mars will help... vanadium

In the search for life on Mars will help... vanadium

Search biology on a nearby planet Mars clearly does not play a Hollywood movie with little green men. No, although many scientists admit that the red planet could exist or existed life, it will probably represent fossilized bacter...


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NASA is experiencing in the Chilean desert instruments to search for life on Mars

NASA is experiencing in the Chilean desert instruments to search for life on Mars

In 2020 the assigned sending another space Agency NASA to the red planet. Once again, scientists will try to discover on Mars is at least one sign of life that once existed on this planet. Rover called should work like a clock, so...


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