Known antibiotic can cure the disease caused by the bite of ticks


2020-03-23 15:40:09




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Known antibiotic can cure the disease caused by the bite of ticks Source:

Each of us at least once in a lifetime bite these small, but extremely unpleasant creatures — ticks. As carriers of bacteria of the genus Borrelia, which, despite its generous title, are able to affect the human nervous system, his heart, skin and joints, the mites infect annually more than 300 000 people on the planet. Whatever it was, humanity soon may be one less problem: scientists have created a unique product, able to cope even with the most resistant strains of pathogens borreliosis or Lyme disease (these diseases are transmitted through the bite of ticks). A new tool based on azlocillin antibiotic, helps in the treatment of not only the underlying disease but also other infections reported . How does the antibiotic able to defeat the disease, which had not existed before treatment?

is there a cure for Lyme disease?

Spring is often associated with picnics in the fresh air, long walks in nature and other outdoor activities. The main danger in this fine time are ticks — potential vectors , the main of which is Lyme disease or Lyme disease. Although for a long time from this disease did not exist any vaccine, the disease can be beat in the early stages with antibiotics, but even in the case of their application, up to 20% of all patients were made to suffer from severe symptoms of Lyme disease almost my whole life. So, starting with simple redness of the skin at the site of the bite, the disease progresses gradually with the expansion of the spots. Some time after the infection, the patient appear the main Lyme disease symptoms that manifest as loss of sensation and motor activity, as well as in impaired vision and even serous meningitis.

Ticks are the main carriers of Lyme disease in nature

Although what exactly is called long course of the disease remains still unknown for sure, scientists believe that the reason are resistant to conventional pesticides strains of the pathogen. Wanting to confirm or deny this theory, researchers from Stanford University decided to test more than 8,000 different chemical compounds, 50 of which were further selected for vaccine development not only for the treatment of Lyme disease, but also other dangerous infections. One of the selected substances were the so-called azlocillin, which is most commonly used to treat peritonitis, pneumonia, kidney infections and urinary tract infections.

To check the properties of the antibiotic, the study authors tested azlocillin on mice, and the result of the experiment showed that a common antibiotic helps to cope with the symptoms of Lyme disease, making it much more effective than the usual modern medicine means. Another very important factor in the choice of azlocillin was the fact that the substance has fewer side effects compared to its counterparts.

Tested on mice the cure for borreliosis has least side effects

Due to the fact that one of the most frequently used to treat Lyme disease, antibiotics — doxycycline — showed their inability to destroy dangerous microorganisms, a new tool to help control even the most resistant strains. Other medicine against pathogenic microbes can be and Cefotaxime — the antibiotic used for , pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections. Before releasing an improved version of antibiotics for purchase, the authors plan to confirm the results of their experiments in experiments on animals.

Anyway, the bacteria often adapt to a completely new means. About how scientists are trying to cope with such unpleasant for mankind, we already wrote one .

Lyme Disease or borreliosis — a serious illness, which for a long time there was not any vaccine.


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