10 interesting channels in the Telegram about science and not only


2017-10-19 11:00:09




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10 interesting channels in the Telegram about science and not only Source:

In recent years, the channels in the Telegram messenger has become so popular that replaced a lot of social networks and familiar media. Everyone in our newsroom also has its own selection of interesting channels, so we decided to gather a little from each and to share them with you.


Naked Science

Very interesting channel dedicated to scientific subjects. Here we publish as interesting longreads and operational news from the world of science. By the way, the second citing of scientific and popular resource on the Runet

Name: Naked Science
the Administrator: @ruslanzorab
the Link:



The Most popular channel on the blockchain, bitcoin, ether, ICO and decentralization. In General — everything you need to know about cryptocurrency.

Name: DeCenter
the Administrator: @tester
the Link:


All-in-One Person

A Channel where you can find not only useful links to apps, but also discounts on paid program. The advantage would be the various useful services for gadget lovers, here tell.

Name: All-in-One Person
the Administrator: @immarfa
the Link:



The Channel, which is a professional marketer. However, you will not find here boring charts, cases per million, and other stuff — only really working in business tools and techniques.

Name: ReБизнес
the Administrator: @nerc88
the Link:


The Geek Log

A Channel about gadgets, gaming, IT, media and beyond. Unlike many other channels, it publishes not only news but also interesting reviews, compilations devices and applications.

Name: The Geek Log
the Administrator: @Alexey_Chan
the Link:


Office Killer

On this site you will find all about the famous Microsoft — Word, Power Point and Outlook. The channel publishes useful lessons, live video and even has a bot for feedback. Even if you with Microsoft Office "you", you will find many interesting things.

Name: Office Killer
the Administrator: @Alexandr_Bubenok, @DCCON
the Link:



Compilation of scientific popular articles on technology, space, IT and science from different sources. A Must-have for those who want to always be in the subject.
the Name: Funscience
the Administrator: @bushmanoff
the Link:


Elon Musk Elon Musk

A Channel that is entirely dedicated to Elon musk — the founder of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neurolink, entrepreneur, investor, and the great inventor of our time.

Name: Elon Musk Elon Musk
the Administrator: @AlexDal
the Link:


World of Travel

Copyright of the channel, which tells all about the most beautiful and interesting places of our planet. And published interesting articles and selections for travelers.
the Name: World of Travel
the Administrator: @raizerimba
the Link:


Financial motivation

Author's channel, which not only helps to increase financial literacy, but also teaches how to save, save and properly invest the funds.

Name: Financial motivation
the Administrator: @raizerimba
the Link:

If you have in mind a couple of interesting channels in the Telegram, share with other readers in the comments.


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