Scientists close to creating artificial life forms


2018-01-23 18:00:04




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Scientists close to creating artificial life forms Source:

It would Seem that the creation of artificial life – the lot fiction. But development in this area being the first year. And the question now is not about artificial intelligence or robotic mechanisms. A group of American researchers from Princeton University were able to obtain synthetic substance, whereby the ability to create artificial life has ceased to be fiction.

American scientists "from scratch" developed enzyme of microorganisms, which is responsible for the biosynthesis of organic substances. In other words, they recreated one of the key components through which bacteria can exist. For several years, the experts from Princeton was working on artificial protein of Escherichia coli. For a start they have removed the bacteria some genes that it could not produce the enzyme Fes used for the synthesis of iron. Without this iron, obtained by the action of the enzyme, Bacillus perishes. The experts then tried to recreate the "replacement" enzyme Fes.

In the course of their research, the scientists noticed that they have developed an artificial protein Syn-F4 was capable of performing the functions "cut" of the enzyme. Moreover, they found that a new protein by replacing a missing enzyme, not only stimulates the processes of transformation of iron in the cell, but also regulates other biochemical reactions, accelerating them. That is, the Syn-F4, in addition to its main functions performed the functions of control of other biochemical processes of the cell, acting as a catalyst. As stated in an interview with the journal Nature Chemical Biology is one of the authors, Michael Hecht

"Biology is a system of interconnected biochemical reactions. Each of them has its own enzyme and its catalyst. Otherwise, these reactions would proceed extremely slowly and life could not exist. The enzyme is a better catalyst in nature, because evolution has spent billions of years to choose him."


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