How to build a space wormhole?


2019-08-31 20:20:08




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How to build a space wormhole? Source:

in order to build a tunnel through space and time, we may need a huge amount of energy

Everyone wants to learn to surf . In order to do this, not spending a thousand years in a space ship, we can look at the other end of the galaxy using wormholes or, as it is called, "wormhole". However, there is one small problem: in order to create a wormhole, we may need a huge amount of energy. Where did it take and is it possible to create a tunnel through space and time in General?

is it Possible to build a tunnel through space and time?

Before you go on an interstellar journey through a wormhole, you need to know that this tunnel is characterized by curvatures in space-time is so extreme that it is able to destroy you in a split second. Well, this is probably not the most positive news that today you can hear, especially if all your life you wanted to explore the Universe in such an extravagant way.

In order to confirm or disprove this common opinion about the wormhole, the authors of an article published in the journal ArXiv, found a way to build almost stable "wormhole", which, although subjected to a gradual compression, can flow through the transmitted information, and even things. In order to create a universal carrier, we "only" need to find a few black holes and a few infinitely long cosmic strings.

What is a wormhole?

The first dreamer, and at the same time the Creator of the idea to build a bridge from one point of Universe to another, was an American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler. It Wheeler invented such a thing as a "wormhole" (wormhole), which eventually passed into all languages of the world. In fact, a wormhole — this is a hypothetical feature in the fabric of space-time, connecting two absolutely different areas in the Universe.

In principle, to construct a wormhole is quite simple. According to the General Theory of Relativity, energy and mass of a hypothetical object strongly deform the structure of space-time, causing a particular configuration of matter and energy allows to form a tunnel and the shortest path between two other distant parts of the Universe.

Creating a stable wormhole could open incredible opportunities for the person in the development of the Universe

Unfortunately, even on paper, wormholes are extremely unstable objects. Even one elementary particle (photon) passing through the wormhole, causing a catastrophic cascade that rips the wormhole into pieces. However, some dose of negative matter can counteract the destabilizing effects of regular matter trying to pass through the wormhole, making it passable.

If matter with a negative charge does not exist, then there is another option of creating a wormhole. For this, we only need to connect a black hole with a white hole. When these two strange object are connected, they form a completely new substance — the wormhole. There's only one problem with this brilliant plan — and-white holes do not exist.

Despite the possible existence of white holes, the object now exists only on paper scientists

Because white holes do not exist, we need a new plan. Fortunately, some clever mathematics show possible answer: this object may be a charged black hole. To the giant black monster docile and harmless teleport, we just need to give it an electric charge. Inside the charged black hole can be a strange place, with a relatively stable level of singularity that will allow us to form a bridge to the other oppositely charged black hole.

In order For all this to work, we need to make sure that two charged black holes are at a safe distance from each other. In order to keep the black holes at a certain distance, we can use cosmic strings, which are a specific cracks in the fabric of space-time. These cracks were formed in the early formation of the Universe after the Big Bang, but like many other things in our world, yet remain only hypothetical objects.

Despite the fact that cosmic strings remain hypothetical structures, scientists hope to create with their help "wormholes"

If you pierce a black hole is like a cosmic string, the tension in the string can prevent the attraction of charged black holes to each other. In fact, such a big space representation can resemble an exercise in tug of war. Doing such a "simple" exercise, humanity will be able to get quite a stable and relatively safe space standards type of transport.

Is it Possible to perform all of the above in reality? Well, let's try to speculate about it .


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