Scientists want to make an audio test for coronavirus, and you can already pass it


2020-04-03 03:00:16




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Scientists want to make an audio test for coronavirus, and you can already pass it Source:

One of the main problems associated with the spread of the coronavirus, is that the tests COVID-19 not available to everyone. Because of this, the total number of cases in the world may be much higher than official statistics. Just look at what is happening in the United States: when there are enough tests for coronavirus, every day begin to add 20-25 thousand infected. To help with this problem, researchers have developed a free experimental application where artificial intelligence determines whether a person be a carrier of this infection.

Test for coronavirus online

Audio test scientists from the University Carnegie Mellon is working with speech recognition and artificial intelligence. To understand how it works, just go to the website application from your computer or mobile device — most importantly that it worked the microphone. Since the service is not adapted to the Russian language, below you will find instructions on how to use it properly. And then tell me how it all works.

First you need to register. Quite a user name and password, the mail can not leave if you are not going then to recover a forgotten password.

Check on the website COVID Voice Detector. Enough to come up with a name, password, and put all the checkboxes

On the same page, just below there is an interesting points with which to agree. So, you agree to transfer your voice recordings to Carnegie Mellon; also, you don't mind if in the future these records can be used for commercial purposes and other services. If it does not bother you can register and go to the next step.

to begin to take the test, you have to press Create

Further requested to fill out a short form and specify the age, gender, height, weight and race. In the latter case, you need to choose Caucasian — in the English language it is a standard symbol of the white race.

Items in order: age, gender, height, weight, race

This should be put in the column of the race

It Remains to answer a few questions: do you have cough, sneeze, do you, do you have fever, did you have medical tests for coronavirus and also if you are a carrier (or if you have them).

In order: the presence of cough, sneezing, high temperature (fever), were there any medical test for the coronavirus earlier, was diagnosed COVID-19

You will then be able to run a pilot test. At all stages, first press the microphone icon, make the recording, and press it again to stop recording. At the first stage need to cough 3 times.

Tap on the microphone, cough 3 times, click again on the microphone, click Next

After that, as long as you can pronounce the letter "A" — without stopping until enough breathing.

Pronounce the letter A as long as possible, how much is enough breathing

Similar steps need to be done with the letters "E" and "O".

Repeat the same with the letter E

And letter Of

Then the app will ask you to count from 1 to 20 in English. If you are unable to count in English, can do it in Russian, because the app analyzes the sounds and pauses in breathing that you do with the score.

you Can count in Russian, but better in English

Same with the alphabet — if you don't want to pronounce English letters, say the letters of the Russian alphabet. This is the last step before the analysis results.

Try to pronounce the English alphabet, if it doesn't work — the Russian

At this stage, the AI compares your results with results of patients with coronavirus

At the end test voice and analyze the result you'll see something like dial download. As the researchers say, the smaller the value of the scale (to the left than it is located), the less likely that you are a carrier of the virus COVID-19. I seem safe for a while.

the smaller the scale, the less likely that the human coronavirus

Test for coronavirus voice

And now the main thing — how it works and can we trust the results? To do this, determine why you performed a specific step of this test.


Audio test

Cough patients with coronavirus is a clear

In the beginning you coughed 3 times— artificial intelligence analyses the sounds of coughing and compares them with the results of other users, including those who have taken the test for the coronavirus, or who has a confirmed diagnosis. To do this, in the beginning you filled out a questionnaire with age, weight and symptoms of the disease.


test Voice

All these "AHHH", "OHHH" and "EEE" in the first place to AI in order to record, measure lung capacity. But I read an interview with the creators of the publication , and there they mentioned that the record also fixes it if you stopped by pronunciation — for example, because of cough. This information is analyzed by artificial intelligence in the formation of the result.

Account and the alphabet. This is another test to understand how many numbers or letters you can pronounce in one breath and without a pause to sneeze or cough.

Once the application will get all the necessary data, it compares your recording with voice data of patients with confirmed COVID-19, after which recognize in it the signs of coronavirus and puts a rating from 1 to 10 in proportion to the probability with which they are present in humans. The researchers did not hide the fact that while the accuracy of the test is rather small, however, if use of the service will be more people (both patients and healthy), a neural network can be trained on a larger number of the original data. Then the results will be accurate, but I wouldn't trust the artificial intelligence of your health. All medical tests approved by the who, yet to be more effective.

The score that shows the app is an indicator of how well your voice matches the voices of other patients with COVID, which we checked. This is not a medical test and not a guide to action. The main goal of our efforts and of the site at the moment is to collect the largest possible number of votes that we could use to improve the algorithm — says one of the creators COVID Voice Detector.

How to distinguish cough associated with coronavirus

Where did the researchers actually has a database of the results of the patients with coronavirus? In order to gather data, a team of scientists asked colleagues around the world. These colleagues not only helped them to collect audio recordings from patients with COVID-19, but also from patients with other viruses, so they can teach the algorithm to detect the differences. They even watched news videos to find interviews with patients and add their results to the dataset for the AI.

The Cough of a patient with COVID very clear — say the authors of the application. "So much the virus affects the lungs, infringement of respiratory function and some other vital parameters, and they can be traced in the voice, even if the infected just says a bunch of letters.

Coronavirus strongly affects the lungs, so seriously ill

It seems to Me that despite the fact that such a method of diagnosis of the disease is still quite "raw" in the future it can make a real revolution in the definition of the virus in a specific person. Obviously, COVID-19 — not the last test of mankind ( prove it), and if in the future people will be able to check himself for infection with your smartphone or tablet, this will help to stop the spread of the virus. Let's see what will become of COVID Voice Detector: the developers definitely will take time before this test will be more or less accurate.

This test to pass each


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