Pandemic SARS-CoV-2: important questions that have no answers yet


2020-03-24 07:40:10




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Pandemic SARS-CoV-2: important questions that have no answers yet Source:

Unanswered questions about the new coronavirus not allowed to know what will happen in the near future. Is it possible to be infected twice? How long will a pandemic? Whether to increase the number of victims or on the contrary reduced? To predict the spread and further evolution SARS-CoV-2 (the official name of the new coronavirus CoVID-19), the necessary fundamental data, but yet to obtain them failed. In this case, one of the most important issues is the possibility of re-infection. Today, in addition to the questionable cases described in the press, re-infection scientifically proven in only four medical workers in Wuhan, China. The symptoms are all confirmed re cases were mild. Tell what might be and should I be concerned for those who had been ill with the novel coronavirus.

is it Possible to get infected with the novel coronavirus again?

Writes the Spanish , the authors from Wuhan University recognize that the results obtained on the re-infection may be a false positive as sometimes the tests fail. However, it should be clarified that the scientists repeated the test several times. If in the future will meet such cases, all efforts to curb CoVID-19, may be useless.

Of all the possible explanations of the double infection the least realistic. The results of the tests on animals indicate that re-infection is impossible. Chinese scientists found that macaques that were infected with the novel coronavirus and get well, not sick again a few days later, even if exposed to the virus. With the preliminary results of the survey can be found at . Also the question remains about how quickly after introduction of the virus into the body the person becomes infectious — a day later or longer. Today we know that the incubation period can last from 5 to 14 days, but there are cases when the symptoms appeared 24 days after infection. While the immune system takes about a month to develop immune memory to the virus. Perhaps the resulting double positive outcomes are associated with complete immunity in infected physicians has not yet developed.

So disinfection airports

Also remains unknown the question of persistence of acquired immunity. The fact that immunity to MERS (middle East respiratory syndrome) – which jumped from camels to humans and caused the epidemic that killed more than 850 people – it lasts less than a year. The same thing can happen with SARS-CoV-2, although at the moment to talk about this before. However, if the virus is able to re-infection, he probably will do it with much less intensity, and the symptoms will be much easier.

Over whether the pandemic in the fall?

The Spanish flu Pandemic of 1918 killed over 50 million people and raged for a year. The majority died during the second wave, which occurred in October. According to the study, published after the lifting of quarantine second wave CoVID-19 will be almost inevitable. The researchers also warn that the stronger quarantine measures, the more people can be affected in a second wave.

the Question about whether everything is as before, and when, is still open

You Need to understand that the sense of isolation measures imposed in Italy, Spain and other European countries, is not so much how much to save hospitals about 15% of infected need intensive care and connecting to the ventilator and ecmo. Since the main problem of lifting of quarantine is the re-spread of the virus, the scientists suggest that after the abolition of restrictive measures to establish a secure length of stay in the hospital, after the end of each period of stay will be raised alarm and the movement of the population will again be limited.

Mutates whether the new coronavirus?

From an evolutionary point of view – is the most infectious, but not deadly, because their primary purpose is reproduction. In most cases, the trend is that viruses become less dangerous and allow the owner to lead a more or less normal life. It is possible that the same fate awaits the new coronavirus. However, coronaviruses mutate a little, as encode a protein that corrects mistakes while copying DNA, which raises some concerns. Compared to other viruses, coronaviruses accumulate 10 times less than errors in the DNA, and therefore much less volatile.

Anyway, to exactly predict the future until no one could. So today we, as a society, must care about each other and the world health organization. And yet, something is clear already today – quickly a pandemic will take place, and the usual order of things might change much.

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