#video of the day | Boston Dynamics Atlas robot teaches the basics of parkour


2017-11-17 17:00:05




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#video of the day | Boston Dynamics Atlas robot teaches the basics of parkour Source:

Recently, we have published a short video in which the American company Boston Dynamics introduced us to a new generation of robot dog . But the world-famous robotics are not sitting idly by and continue to delight us with their achievements. Take, their anthropomorphic robot Atlas. We have previously told you about and showed interesting videos with his participation. But this time, its creators decided to surprise us with completely new tricks, they taught him the basics of parkour.

Initially, the Atlas was developed with the expectation that the robot will be able to move , to walk on two feet and used hands free for carrying or to climb over any obstacles. But to jump on these obstacles and even do a backflip, like a real athlete – you from this clumsy at first glance, the robot did not expect. Take a look at this video and you will understand immediately what we mean.

Impressive, isn't it? Just be sure to watch the video until the very end. There's a pretty funny bad take when Atlas failed to stay on his feet after landing on the ground. The developers of the robot said that to teach the robot to keep balance after a jump was extremely difficult task, over which they fought for a long time.


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