The most famous graveyard of ships in the world


2020-08-09 15:40:22




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The most famous graveyard of ships in the world Source:

Sunken "Titanic" was found only many years after the disaster.

For many centuries the world ocean was one of the main ways of communication of civilizations living on different continents. The seas and oceans sailed millions of ships that transported passengers and valuable goods like works of art. Quite different reasons, many of these vessels sank. Some of them had poor design and the part was attacked by pirates. According UNESCO, at the moment at the bottom of the seas and oceans are more than three million ships, but this, of course, not accurate data. From time to time, scientists manage to detect them, and from the bottom gets a lot of Antiques that are passed in the largest museums of the world. By studying these artifacts, the researchers will learn a lot about the lives of people of past centuries. In this article I suggest you familiarize yourself with some of the most interesting cemeteries of the ships that have ever managed to find a scientist.


The Wrecks are real "time capsule", looking at who you can learn a lot about the everyday life of their crews and the people of ancient times in General. For example, the crash site of the ancient Greek and Roman vessels, scientists have discovered statues and other works of art. They were all neatly pulled ashore and sent to museums. For example, in 1900 near the island of Antikythera (Greece), was found the bronze statue "a lot of the Antikythera youth". About the same historic masterpieces found within many other ships and their number, perhaps, not considered. But, let's get off the topic of ancient Greek ships and some more recent examples of the discovery of the sunken giants.

Same "a lot of the Antikythera youth" bronze

Sunken Titanic

The Huge ship Titanic was built between 1909 and 1912 at the request of the company "White Star Line". Being the largest ship of those times, he went on its maiden voyage April 10, 1912, on route from Southampton (England) to new York (USA). After four days of sailing, it and within three hours sank in 600 kilometers from the island of Newfoundland (Canada). In one of the most famous disasters have killed more than 1,500 people — there were 2224 passengers and they have survived only 706 people.

documentary footage from "Titanic"

The Remains of the legendary vessel was found only in 1985. It happened during the French expeditions under the guidance of oceanographers Jean-Louis Michel (Jean-Louis Michel) and Robert Ballard (Robert Ballard). As expected, the ship was broken in half and sank to a depth of 3.8 kilometers — bow and aft lay 600 metres from each other. Around the ship were scattered personal belongings of representatives of the 1910-ies and dead bodies. Thousands of items have been successfully raised from the bottom and exhibited in museums. Most of them are stored in the Museum of Branson's Titanic Museum located in Branson (Missouri).

Branson's Titanic Museum

For tens of years on the bottom, "Titanic" became the habitat of many organisms. When the ship sank, the divers, they found in its vicinity at least 28 species. On the metal surface sunken ship was discovered a huge number of bacteria that live by eating rust. In honor of their habitats they have been given the name of Halomonas titanicae. Subsequently, these bacteria were proposed to use for the destruction of sunken ships, which in any way interfere with human activities.

So now looks like the front part of the Titanic

Raise the Titanic from the bottom is impossible, because its basis is too fragile to use machinery. At the moment it is under UNESCO protection and is still interesting for many scientists and film Directors. Most likely we will never see this ship on land. Perhaps, someday, our planet will lose all water and it will the aliens arrive. That is something they will be able to examine a mysterious ship with a very rich and tragic history.

the Wreck of "Queen Anne's Revenge"

In 1710, in the English city of Bristol, was built a ship called the "Concord." In 1713, the ship passed into the hands of Spain, and then began to be used for the carriage of goods by the French. During one of the voyages in 1717, the ship was attacked by a crew of pirates led by captain Edward teach (Edward Teach), also known as "Blackbeard". Contrary to stereotypes about the cruelty of pirates, he was a wise leader, avoided the use of force after the attacks on ships no traces of torture and murder. He is the prototype of many characters in the works about pirates.

this Edward Ticha portrayed in literature

Aftercapture of the "Concord", he increased the number of guns, from 14 to 49 pieces, changed the interior and renamed it "Queen Anne's Revenge". If you believe the historical records, it ran aground in 1718 and sank. However, the location of the remains of the ship for a long time failed to find. It was only in 1996, thanks to the efforts of the research company Intersal. Evidence that scientists are dealing with the ship of Edward teach, appeared only in 2011. This was evidenced by such discoveries nearby the remains of the ship, as a bronze coin 1700 years? the remains of dishes made in honor of the rulers of those times and the syringe was used to treat venereal diseases.

"the Queen Anne's Revenge" in the representation of the artist

As it turned out, the ship has not gone into the depths of the seas and oceans, because his remains were found just a 7-meter depth. In addition to the above items, the researchers were able to find 21 of ' em that were made in different countries. The abundance of musket balls, cores and other small arms suggests that the pirates ' team of more than 400 people were well armed.

the remains of the "Queen Anne's Revenge"

The study of the place flooding "Queen Anne's Revenge" is to this day. Read more about him and the pirate Edward Setting you can learn from the movie . It just collapses the stereotype that pirates were bloodthirsty brigands. In the film they are presented as ordinary people who wanted to achieve something. Again, I recommend!

shipwrecks in the Aegean sea

That the scientists will ever be able to detect the remains of "Titanic" and "Queen Anne's Revenge", people already guessed. Moreover, the researchers knew which regions they need to look. But some ships were found by accident. One of the most dramatic discoveries have been made in 2016. It was then reported that in the Aegean sea were found the remains of 23 from sunken ships. This sea is considered the cradle of the history of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, so it is not surprising that was at the bottom of the vessel of these civilizations.

of Course, the ancient ships of wood survived much worse than metal "Titanic"

Most of them were located in the archipelago of fourni. In examining the remains, scientists have found that the ships were built at different times. And we are not talking about a couple of decades, and in the time interval between 525 BC to 1850-ies. Most researchers interested in ancient ships. For example, they managed to find a Greek ship, which was built around 525 BC. Near it sank commercial and cargo ships.

Ware, which is transported in the ships

Within them divers found only piles of tableware. Apparently, this place was sinking ships which traveled along the trade route that connects the Aegean and Black sea with Cyprus and Africa. Causes of flooding are still unknown. Maybe they got in a storm or attacked by pirates. Due to the large gap between the dates of flooding, we can assume that the reasons were always different. Although it is very strange that in one place gathered so many ships.

The biggest graveyard of ships

It Might seem that lying at the bottom 23 of the vehicle — a lot. However, do not. Once the research team , which consists of British and Bulgarian scientists have discovered a cemetery with 40 ships. They all lie at the bottom of the Black sea and, increasingly, belong to the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Researchers have found this place quite by accident when I wanted to draw a map of the seabed at a depth of 1800 meters. And to do this it was necessary to determine how the flooding of coastal regions after the Glacial period affected the ancient people.

One of the ships discovered at the bottom of the Black sea.

The researchers took about 1250 kilometers along the coastline of Bulgaria. It was then that scientists noticed that at the bottom there's something. Eventually they managed to find five hundred ships were also built in completely different times and were at the bottom for entirely different reasons. Many types of ships were known to science only by descriptions from historical documents. So, due to the discovery, they were able to literally touch the mysterious objects of antiquity. Due to the fact that the remains of the ships were in areas with minimal oxygen concentrations, they are perfectly preserved.

On the topic of sunken ships I advise you to read the article on Fortunately, we have plenty of them. For example, in 2019, I was told that scientists were able to find one of the ships of Christopher Columbus. This finding is considered unique, because many other ships have been under attack from the so-called"Ship worms". Inside the article you'll find a video that shows how .


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